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5 Week Stacks!

Time flies when you’re having fun! It truly is hard to believe that the puppies are already 5 weeks old, and already chewing on solid foods! We caught them again for a quick 5 week stack to show everyone how big they’re getting already! Big thanks to Carla for being our captive assistant! Green   […]

The First First!

Yara was kind enough to allow us a sneak peek into her whelping box, to grab a glimpse of her new litter, and they are adorable!! Keep tuned for more photo ops as events warrant! And we are happy to announce that all puppies have been spoken for! But if you are interested in future […]

We’re Expecting!

It is with joy that we announce that our newest addition to our pack, Yara, and new dad Rhett, are expecting puppies for February 16th! We just had a check up at the vets, everyone is healthy and the pregnancy is progressing well! If you have any interest in a puppy, please be sure to […]

Red Deer Show, Nov 7-8

It was an awesome weekend for Team Puli! (Thank you to Carla-Jo for the term!) Here’s how it all went down:       McGee and Carla-Jo won Best of Winners on both days under Judges Karen Chant, and Sharron Derrick.  He also won Best of Puppy in Breed on both days! McGee is now […]

Obedience Class

The puppies all started obedience class this weekend! Luie and Leporello all had a great time, and pretended to learn something great! Here’s some pictures of the busy day! The whole obedience class. Look at all that condensed cuteness! Leporello working! Hey, treats! Leporello at class! Checking out the situation… Luie at class! Cool as […]

The Puli Puppies go Outside!

Today, the Puli Pups get to have a bit of a suntan! We introduced them to the grass, and outdoors under Mamma Liz’s watchful eyes. By all accounts, they had a wonderful time! Be sure to check out the pics from the beginning in their puppy page! Hey Mum. What’s this?   Occupational hazard of […]

New Arrivals to Windkist!

New Arrivals to Windkist!

We are happy to announce that Liz and Marlow’s expected litter has officially arrived on July 31st!! Seven boys have entered our kennels, and all are doing well! All the boys have homes, but if you’re still curious about the breed, be sure to contact us! If you’re looking for the cutest puppies ever, head […]