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First Glimpse!

It has been a hectic couple of days! Mama Yara was kind enough to allow us to take a couple of pics of the  new arrivals, and they didn’t disappoint! Cuteness enough to share! Check it out! Pedigree, if you’re interested! Breakfast in bed? Don’t mind if we do!   This one’s already saying, “Let’s […]

They’re Here!!

They’re Here!!

We are very happy and proud to announce the arrival of the O Litter!! Mama Yara is doing well, Papa McGee is proud as punch, and all four little bundles of joy are healthy and already beginning to grow! Stay tuned for more pictures of absolute cuteness! Pedigree, if you’re interested!

5 Weeks!

We can hardly believe it, but 5 whole weeks have already flown by! This litter is growing so fast! Here is what they look like in their very first stacks!! (Pedigree here!) Green standing fine!   Purple saying, “Hold the phone! You want me to do what?!?”   Red finding out that treats are pretty […]

First Week Puppy Fix!

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been over a week since our new additions have joined us! Here is an update on how they’re doing! (Pedigree, for those interested!) Simply adorable! Everyone’s happy, healthy, and beginning to do the cutest little squeaks! Keep tuned for more pictures!

Cranbrook Show 2016

All the Pulis who are Pulis were gathered at the Cranbrook Show this past weekend (August 26-28, 2016)!! Fun was had, classes were run, and of course, prizes were given! There was even a Puli Booster event on Sunday! Because Pulis needed a better reason to be awesome! Here are some pictures and results that […]

Cuteness Alert!

Our wonderful photographer friend Roxanne came by again recently, and took some amazing pics of the littles! If you’d like to see more of her work, feel free to wander on over to her website (! On to the puppies of cuteness! Dinosaurs and bumble bees! Dawww!   Uhm, the contract didn’t specify costumes and […]